Where do you get pressured?

Who are you trying to prove wrong?

Uncover the pressure that causes you to run into the things that might not lead you towards your destiny. Own your mistakes and adjust your mind. Most times it’s easy to put the blame on our past and people. Ultimately, we can make life-changing decisions for ourselves. It takes confidence and belief that we will make it happen REGARDLESS.

It is important to see your faults and forgive yourself.

1.    Discover your vision and get over your rejections.
When applying for jobs it can be very discouraging especially when you get rejections. The ease of applying for jobs is now just a click away. This can sometimes cause you not to read the requirements and create a specific CV for the job. If you pause and fill out every Job specifically with your adapted CV, this can increase your chances of gaining an interview. It will also allow you to really read the requirements properly and determine if you can deliver.  

2.    Commit - This is not just by actions but by obligating yourself too it. There are No other options but to stay consistent in the vision. There’s no plan B. Build a community and others that are like-minded around you. This does not mean you can’t have different streams of income or other hobbies and businesses. But you need a foundation this will be Your MAIN source of income.

Why do I always say stay around like-minded people?

⁃    They help you keep your pace
⁃    They keep you focused on your goal
⁃    They keep you encouraged and moving when you are down.
We NEED a community to prosper.

As I am writing this at 01:33 am. I am doing some serious self-examination about the people I have in my personal and professional life.

Who do I need to connect with to ensure that this platform is better and more encouraging?

We are all on a journey including me!
I am not there yet and I’m not there yet.
But I am going to keep walking with God and others.

3.    I want you to realise that a lot of things will affect your pace: family, relationships, finances and major breakdowns. It is very important that you have people around you that will bring peace and keep you focused.

For me, all I use is God. Honestly, the Bible gives me wisdom and peace. He gives peace so I don’t have to run and I trust that God will order my steps to reach purpose.

I am not trying to RUN.
I am aiming to fulfil my purpose and die EMPTY.

I know you’re thinking…

I am in my 20’s (or older). I am a graduate. My friends are already in their careers, everyone around me has a job and is earning good money!

Yes, this might be the case.
But what is the point of running but going nowhere?  

Looking busy does not mean success.

"Looking busy does not mean success."

You just end up being so tired that when your major breakthrough comes, there is no strength or energy left in you to be the best!


1.    Forgive
2.    Find your pace
3.    Create a community in your personal and professional life
4.    Stay focused and consistent
5.    Obstacles will STILL come your way but TRUST that you will make it through it all.
6.    Ensure that you are creating something that will stand the test of time not just the test of NOW.

Quote of the week:
"The right thing in the wrong season is a curse"